Games & Animation
Sometimes, I like to think about indie creation akin to how small studios create smaller, yet more intriguing works.
Videogames, tv shows, and even animated shorts. You name it, I've probably seen it. The smaller experiences feel just as impactful to me as a large project with a higher budget.
In my spare time, I like to watch videos based on game development. From classic Arcade titles to Console (and Handheld) titles of modern games, there's a lot of stories to tell. Some of those stories match the kind found in the creation of animation. If there's one thing you ought to know about me, I'm a game guy. I LOVE videogames. I love to study their creations as much as I love to play them. I'm not a super technical guy (that's a different family member of mine), but I do love to see the insights of a character's creation, their level design, and the overall methodology used to create such videogames.
One of my favorites "Behind-the-Scenes" development logs comes from the creation of the original "Aladdin" title for SEGA Genesis. It's the mix of 1940s and the Disney Renaissance mixed with slapstick and sharp actions of the 1990s (and early 2000s) are the reason I'm even in the business I'm in today. You can check out the video here:
While indie art/comic creation isn’t like videogame development in terms of THE ACTUAL product in production, but they share so many elements with each other that it’s nice to study. Besides, with the type of videogames out there today that basically play just like Hollywood films, it's not out of the ordinary to study them as much as I study the process of book, movie, and cartoon creation.
With the direction I want to take Goon Toon Studios, and my future works, there's a lot of studying to do. I better get back to it. Until then, don't forget to...
-Mr. Toontastic