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Boy. With so many movies coming out (and bombing financially) these days, they're always trying to entice you with some profound message about life, love, and true happiness. Or, as what's become a trend recently, tell you that it's okay not to feel anything from a movie because the writers forgot to insert morals and themes that are universal, instead focusing more heavily on what's sectioned off to different groups of people... or they're filmmakers that love anarchy and destruction for anything that isn't for them. I'm not here to tell you which way of filmmaking is the right way, nor am I one of those who go around saying which way is the correct way. I'm just a simple artist who enjoys films and art forms, no matter the medium. My tastes may be odd, but they are what they are to me. But man, when my nerdish tendencies act up, I'm like an encyclopedia regarding the stuff I'm versed in. It's with that sentiment that I have sometimes wanted to watch a movie that isn't the greatest in the world to most eyes, but it has merits that make it shine like a "7-out-of-10" video game.

That said, there was a movie (well, two) that I've seen recently that has given me that feeling. Would I call them amazing? Yes (at least to one of them). But would I call them deep? Maybe. It depends on your definition/viewpoint on the term. The two films that gave me this feeling are GODZILLA X KONG: A NEW EMPIRE & THE GARFIELD MOVIE.

For today's post, I'll be sharing my thoughts on GODZILLA X KONG: A NEW EMPIRE.

Fair Warning. There MIGHT BE SPOILERS (even light spoilers). So if you haven't seen the film, I best recommend you go watch it first, then come back.

To get this out of the way, GODZILLA X KONG: A NEW EMPIRE was extraordinary. I was a big fan of the first one, and I was dying of anticipation when I heard the second one was coming in the year of our Lord, 2024. I waited patiently for days, weeks, MONTHS!! I was so hyped that I even went to see GODZILLA MINUS ONE a couple months earlier. That movie was deep and heartfelt and gave me a new perspective on the strength of a nation. Of course, Godzilla wreaking havoc was awesome. However, this film focused on a specific group of human characters, making them just as intriguing as the monster himself, if not more. Typically, many of these films (at least the mediocre ones) make me glad to see the kaiju wipe out these people. Godzilla Minus One delivered on all fronts. The first Godzilla vs. Kong movie had some elements. Still, it also made me wish some of those characters had been decimated due to their annoying factor. However, the sequel was MUCH BETTER.

First, Godzilla X Kong: A New Empire took everything that worked in the first film and expanded greatly on the characters and kaiju. Warner Bros.'s interpretation of Godzilla has its own lore, but that would require me to do my homework to recap everything he's done. Regardless, he's got it easy. King Kong, on the other hand, got a HUGE bump in quality. These movies preferred Kong over Godzilla, so he has more screen time than the big lizard. He goes on this massive journey to find more of his own kind, only to discover that he's essentially entered Donkey Kong Jungle Beat territory where every other "Kong" is out to kill him. It didn't help that one of them had a vendetta against the human realm to the point where it took a native tribe and their faith in Mothra to seal him in prison. Kong delivers a huge can of whoop-ass in this movie and does not disappoint.

I forgot to mention it, but the visuals were top-notch. They must have paid the VFX artist double their typical budget because I was lost in Kong's world from start to finish. I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen.

The human characters got a HUGE improvement this time around. First, they kept the scientist woman and her adopted daughter, who we'd later find out is from a hidden tribe known as the Iwi. The first movie's crazed, probably mentally challenged, conspiracy theorist returns. I liked him, and his role was better fleshed out this time. Thankfully, they didn't include those young children who believed his theories (mainly the young blonde girl) head-on. No offense to the actors or anything like that. The characters they played didn't mesh well with the plot. The new characters they included, especially the rockstar hippy dentist, filled up the rest of the cast and created a dynamic that fit perfectly with what I was looking for. I also like how the adopted daughter and Kong still had a friendly relationship. Man and Monkey together... kinda like the movie CONGO.

The action was a huge step up from the last film, and the focus on working together early on, like it was CRASH TWINSANITY, told me that this movie was more improved than before. The story isn't what I'd call DEEP, but it was very engaging. It had a lot of action, heart, and better human characters. It's worth a watch in my eyes. I wish they didn't wait until a large chunk of the film for the movie's MAIN ATTRACTION to butt heads, but hey. Story reasons come first.

If you had me recommend the better film between Godzilla Minus One and Godzilla X Kong 1 & 2... I would honestly recommend Godzilla Minus One. That movie was made by Godzilla's original studio, and it had such a grip on my heart that I couldn't have it any other way. However, I'd recommend the latter if you want to see Godzilla take on a more ACTION-HEAVY role as he shares top billing with a heartfelt giant ape. If you're more in the mood of watching the most violent, action-packed, titan-based combat that isn't Pacific Rim or any Mecha animated show that comes to mind... go watch Godzilla X Kong 1 & 2. They're a great duology, even if they're light on emotion in their stories.

Heck, I'm just glad we got a Godzilla X Kong 2 at all. I've been waiting for RAMPAGE (the movie based on the old Midway Arcade game) to get a sequel and there's been no progress on that.

That's my thoughts on Godzilla X Kong. Stay tuned as I discuss my thoughts on 2024's THE GARFIELD MOVIE. I got a little more to say on that one since its fresh in my brain. Until then, don't forget to...

Be Toontastic~!


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