My Old Sai Style
You know, work a lot in PaintToolSai.
It's funny looking back on it now. It was my go-to platform to draw before ClipStudio Paint came along (and before I could afford it), and a lot of what I've done on Clip is basically all of my Sai efforts... but much easier!
If anything, Sai (at least my copy of Sai) is where nearly everything I've done was all made by hand. The art, the backgrounds, the color theory, even the speech bubbles. There's an odd charm looking back at my old Sai art, especially the linework. If you'd like, here's a few examples + unseen/unfinished sketches I did before I made the jump to Clip.
My Sai Artworks:
As you can tell already, my style of linework and sketching has definitely changed.
While some habits just refuse to die, my work has never felt cleaner nor more experimental than ever before. Sure, its all mostly cartoons, but... isn't that why people draw them? Cartoons are the most experimental form of art imaginable, and while we all have preferences and bias to what style of cartooning should be the most prevalent, I believe that its a mix of both the style and tools you use to create those cartoons. And Clip has A LOT of tools that I still haven't touched yet. If you want my advice, use all the tools you have. Your art may evolve sooner than you think.